Billing, Payments and Rebates
South Coast Radiology is proud to service the Gold Coast region and its surrounds with the highest standard of radiology and medical imaging services. For some of these services, we are able to offer bulk billing for Medicare-eligible patients.
South Coast Radiology proudly serves patients at Pindara and John Flynn Private Hospital. Please see below our Hospital Inpatients page for further details on fees and charges at our two private hospital sites on the Gold Coast.

How much will my scans cost?
If you have got any questions about the cost of the scans you require, we encourage you to get in touch with our Bookings Centre. Our dedicated team will be able to answer all the questions you have about the cost of our services. Be sure to click below!
Billing Information
Inpatient Services
South Coast Radiology provides diagnostic imaging services at:
South Coast Radiology is a private diagnostic imaging company operating at this site. It is a separate business to both the hospital and the Emergency Department, and so separate fees will apply for all radiology services performed. Using the latest imaging techniques and technology, our highly trained, experienced staff deliver quality service to our patients and valued referrers. South Coast Radiology has practices situated on site at both Pindara and John Flynn Private Hospitals; as well other locations situated throughout the Gold Coast, Tweed and regional Queensland. Our hospital locations perform many different procedures to those at our suburban sites, and therefore have different billing practices.
No Out-of-Pocket fees for Inpatients and Emergency Patients
Commencing Monday, 9th March 2020 there will be no out-of-pocket (OOP’s) for medicare rebateable charges raised by South Coast Radiology for privately insured
Inpatients of Pindara and John Flynn Private Hospitals. This initiative has been achieved through a partnership approach between South Coast Radiology and Pindara
and John Flynn Private Hospital’s and compliments the introduction of no out-of-pocket (OOP’s) for medicare rebateable charges for diagnostic imaging for Pindara and
John Flynn Emergency Department patients in July 2019.
Scheduled Fee for Inpatients – All Pindara and John Flynn Private Hospital Inpatients will be invoiced direct to their Health Fund, resulting in no out-of-pocket fees for the patient. *Excludes non-rebateable scans. Fees will apply.
Bulk Bill for Emergency Patients – Patients admitted via the hospital emergency department will be schedule fee’d or bulk billed. *Excludes non-rebateable scans. Fees will apply.
There are no out-of-pocket fees charged by South Coast Radiology for Inpatients and Emergency patients, however:
• Inpatients must be Privately Insured and Emergency patients must have a valid Australian Medicare Card
• Fees will still apply for diagnostic imaging exams which are not covered under the Medicare Benefits Scheme
Why do I have an account from South Coast Radiology?
If you require medical imaging at anytime during your hospital admission, this will be provided by the staff and doctors of South Coast Radiology. Our services include
Xrays; CT scans, ultrasounds, MRls, nuclear medicine and interventional procedures. These services may be performed at many sites within the hospital: within South
Coast Radiology’s hospital rooms, on the ward, and on occasions, in theatre whilst a patient is anaesthetised. If you have any medical imaging performed whilst you are a patient in a private hospital, you may receive an account from South Coast Radiology if you are not privately insured, if you do not have a valid Australian Medicare Card, or you have had an exam that is not covered under the Medicare benefits Scheme. We understand that many patients find handling the various accounts from multiple private service providers confusing; and so we recommend that you visit our reception desk upon discharge so that any radiology account can be fully explained to you.
Account Payment
Please arrange for full payment of your account to be made immediately upon discharge from the hospital by visiting our department within the hospital.
If you have recently been an inpatient at Pindara or John Flynn Private Hospitals and have been unable to visit our department to settle your account, then please use one of the following methods to settle your account:
BPAY – Telephone & Internet Banking
Via telephone or internet banking using our BPAY Biller Code 134155 and the Reference Number found in the remittance advice section of your invoice.
BPAY payments can be arranged by calling your bank, credit union or building society to arrange payment from your cheque, savings or credit card account.
Telephone Credit Card Payments
If you would like to make a credit card payment over the phone, or pay via AMEX, please contact our Accounts team during business hours on 07 5580 8188.
Outside of normal business hours you can still make a credit card payment over the phone by calling 03 8648 7130 and following the voice prompts.
By Post
Either complete the Remittance Advice at the bottom of your invoice with your credit card details or enclose a cheque made out to South Coast Radiology along with the Remittance Advice and post to (no stamp required):
South Coast Radiology
Administrative Offices
Locked Bag 1000,
Mermaid Beach
Queensland 4218
+61 7 5578 9688