pregnancy ultrasound

Pregnancy Ultrasound

Pregnancy ultrasound is a non-invasive painless examination to assess fetal growth, position and anatomy, and placental site, as well as the maternal uterus and ovaries. The ultrasound produces a real time moving image on a screen.

  • What Do Pregnancy Ultrasounds Do?

    Ultrasound provides useful information about the uterus, ovaries and baby that enables appropriate antenatal care. Fetal size and heart rate are checked at all stages of pregnancy, as well as the maternal uterus, ovaries and cervix. Pregnancy ultrasound is a non-invasive painless examination to assess fetal growth, position and anatomy, and placental site, as well as the maternal uterus and ovaries. Ultrasound can detect many, but not all abnormalities. Demonstrating a foetal abnormality on ultrasound depends on many factors, including fetal age and position at the time of the ultrasound, and the size and type of abnormality.

    There is very little preparation required for these exams. You should have some fluid in the bladder, and it is recommended to wear clothing that allows easy access to the entire abdominal region. Medicare provides a rebate for ultrasound during the first and second trimesters, and when there is a clinical concern.

  • First Trimester Ultrasound - Nuchal Translucency Scan

    During the first trimester an ultrasound can determine the gestational age, if the patient doesn’t know her last menstrual period (LMP). The First Trimester Screen (FTS) and Nuchal Translucency Scan are performed between 12 weeks and 14 weeks to test for any chromosomal abnormalities. This scan does not directly diagnose an abnormality, but predicts the likelihood of one being present, and can suggest further investigation.

    If the patient has had symptoms such as bleeding or pain during the first trimester, an ultrasound can determine whether the pregnancy is in the correct position within the uterus, or whether there has been a miscarriage.

    Medicare will provide a rebate for one or more scans during this period if certain clinical criteria are met.

  • Second Trimester Ultrasound - Morphology Scan

    During the second trimester, a Morphology Scan (18-22 weeks) is used to check fetal growth, numerous important organs such as the spine, heart, brain and kidneys, placental site, and amniotic fluid volume. During the morphology scan, the sonographer will look for any abnormalities in the development of the child’s organs and limbs, and check for signs of possible genetic problems.

    At this stage in a woman’s pregnancy, the ultrasound may also be able to determine the sex of the baby, although in the earlier stages of the second trimester, this can be difficult if the baby is not in the right position.

    All Australian women are encouraged to have a morphology scan, and Medicare will provide a rebate for one or more scans during this period depending on the clinical situation and whether an obstetrician or GP refers the patient.

  • Third Trimester Ultrasound

    During the third trimester, an ultrasound can check the fetal position, placental appearance and site, how much fluid is around the baby, foetal well-being, and the baby’s growth compared with previous scans and the expected date of delivery.

    Whether Medicare will provide a rebate for one or more scans during this period is dependent on meeting certain clinical criteria, and whether an obstetrician or GP refers the patient for an ultrasound.

  • After Ultrasound

    One of our radiologists will interpret the scan and provide your referring doctor with a comprehensive report about the findings. The results of your scan will be sent directly to your referring doctor, and it is very important you book a timely follow-up appointment to discuss your results.

  • Patient Safety

    Ultrasound is a safe examination that provides excellent imaging. Pregnancy ultrasounds are generally considered safe and do not use radiation, although they may cause some discomfort if the transducer is inserted into the vagina. The images produced by the ultrasound can provide important information for both the mother and the doctor, helping to ensure a healthy pregnancy and delivery. There are no known risks caused by undergoing an ultrasound.

    Our staff use ultrasound with care to ensure that patients benefit from what ultrasound offers, with minimum risk. At South Coast Radiology we employ experienced, qualified sonographers who are accredited with the Australian Sonographer Accreditation Registry, and invest in the latest equipment to ensure patients receive the very best patient care possible.

  • When Can I Find Out the Sex of my Baby?

    We understand that pregnancy is an exciting time and know that many families are keen to find out the sex of their baby during the pregnancy. The gender of the baby can usually be determined at the 19-22 week morphology ultrasound.

    If you want to know the sex of your baby, please tell your sonographer at the beginning of the examination. This will give us multiple opportunities to establish the gender of your baby.

    It is not always possible to establish your baby’s gender with certainty. The position of your baby as well as other factors may hinder the ultrasound’s view of this area of the baby. Establishing the gender of your baby is important to us, but you should remember that your sonographer also has many other important things to examine to ensure that your baby is healthy and developing normally.

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